How to write a great dissertation

By: DonaldJennings

A dissertation is a structured paper that students write at the end of their doctoral programs to support their candidature for the degree. It is a lengthy essay responding to a thesis on a topic that a student chooses and researched for information to form logical arguments.

A dissertation is in different chapters that provide new information to the field, and it shows more what a student can do in the buy literature review online discipline rather than just writing about the topic. The significant contribution to the final grade can make the paper to be intimidating. It is essential for you to know these tips that help you understand how to write a great dissertation.

  1. Start Writing Early

 Begin to write your dissertation soon as you can even when if you are not through with your research.  You do not begin by writing a polished draft hence you can start by writing notes and ideas that you encounter. Current academic works are an excellent source to get materials. Take notes and record any new ideas in your mind as they will be helpful when creating dissertation plan and literature review.

  1. Get the Basics Right

 Determine the correct formatting for these areas before you start writing.

 Signature page:   Page where dissertation readers including the director will put their signature

Margins:   Make the left margin 1.5 inches wide and 1 inch for other margins.

Page numbers: All the pages require numbering including the blank. Number the preliminary pages with low case roman numerals. Number the other dissertation with Arabic numerals beginning with 1.

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Type and spacing: The general typeface for a dissertation is 10-12 point, but universities can have their rules. Double space all the text expects the block quotations, long headings, captions, and footnotes.

  1. Write In the Appropriate Structure

 Writing a dissertation should be in the standard structure unless your subject or university requires a different order. It is a reason to consult a dissertation tutor regularly.

Preliminary pages

  • A title page that does not need a number
  • Copyright page (does not require a number)
  • Signature page
  • CV
  • Preface and acknowledgments
  • Contents table
  • List of the tables and illustrations

Main pages

These pages follow the preliminary pages but are the dissertation proper, and they should be in this order unless your advisor gives a different structure.

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Methods and research chapters
  • Results and findings
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • References
  • Appendices

It is not mandatory to write the pages in the above order. You can write sections soon after gathering the evidence but make sure they appear in this order on the final draft after slotting information on every page.  It is not all the work from sources that should appear in your dissertation. Do not struggle to include everything but use the most relevant materials to support your argument and demonstrate your mastery of the subject.

  1. Edit the dissertation before submission

Proofread and edit the dissertation at the end to ensure that the work is free of errors, in the right structure and referencing style. It is also essential to run plagiarism to avoid accusations of academic theft.

Make use of available help by your dissertation advisor by having regular meetings for updates on your progress. It will prevent you from making numerous mistakes that prompt revising most of the work at the end of your writing.

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