Advantages & Disadvantages of a Triple Net Lease

By: DonaldJennings

What is a Triple Net lease?

A triple net lease for sale, also known as a “tripleN”, places responsibility on the tenant for three additional payments. The tenant is responsible for property taxes, building maintenance, and insurance. This arrangement can be advantageous for both the tenant and the landlord, since the rent is usually lower than the percentage or gross leases. The landlord will be less likely to own a vacant property if the rent is lower because it’s easier to find tenants.

Building Maintenance: The Problem

A well-maintained building will result in lower rent and minimal maintenance. The landlord is in a better position if the building is in poor condition, such as requiring a new roof. This scenario is dependent on the tenant keeping the nnn properties for sale in good order.

The landlord will be able to take possession of a building that is in poor condition if the tenant fails to report any building damage. To pay for repairs, he may need to use rent payments from tenants.

Tenant’s Real Estate Costs Increase

Tenants must have insurance coverage on the property if they sign a triple-net lease. They may also have to pay any deductibles or uninsured damages. This increases the tenant’s property cost.

When determining the rate they charge, insurance companies take into account many factors. The tenant may choose to cancel the policy or not file a claim if he cannot afford it. The landlord may not be able to pay if the tenant causes severe damage to his property or files bankruptcy.

Questions regarding Property Taxes

Tenant’s responsibility to pay property taxes is a disadvantage. A lot of communities increase the value of commercial property each year or raise the tax rate by $1,000. This results in a higher tax bill for the tenant.

The landlord is the property owner so the tenant can rely on him to contest a higher appraisal. The landlord might not spend the money to have a private appraisal done in order to contest the appraisal. He is not the one who will be paying for it.

If the tenant moves out of the lease, this can be a problem for the landlord. If the landlord can’t find a tenant willing to pay more, he will have to pay the increased tax bill. The landlord might be left with vacant property if similar properties are sold at a lower price.

What are the Alternatives to Viagra?

A triple net or gross lease is exactly the opposite of a gross lease. The landlord is responsible for property taxes, insurance, and maintenance. To cover these extra costs, the monthly rent that is charged to tenants will be significantly higher. Sometimes, a gross lease stipulates that the tenant must pay all utilities.

Although more complex, percentage leases are common in shopping centers. You can choose to use them in one of the following ways: percentage gross sales, monthly rental plus percentage gross sales, or a fixed monthly rent and a specified percentage of sales.

Both landlords and tenants should seek legal and accounting advice before entering into any lease agreement.